7 Super Easy Easter Cupcake Ideas Anyone Can Make
Want to make some cute Easter cupcakes without a lot of effort? Even if you’re a disaster at cake decorating (like me), you can still use these easy Easter cupcake ideas to create adorable and delicious treats for your family, coworkers, etc.
And don’t worry about making cupcakes from scratch. Although many of these come with delicious made-from-scratch cupcake recipes, you can still use your favorite recipe or a boxed cake mix for most of the cupcakes, and simply follow the decorating steps instead of the whole recipe.

Easy Easter Cupcake Ideas Busy Moms Will Love
Remember, you don’t need to be a cake decorating guru to make super cute cupcakes. All of these ideas are super easy to implement, and you can easily substitute the ingredients/materials depending on what you have available. We hope you enjoy this list!
Easy Easter Cupcake Ideas
Bunny Print Easter Cupcakes

One of the easiest and cutest ideas we’ve found are these Bunny Print Easter Cupcakes from Craft Create Cook. She uses shredded coconut and pink candies to create this sweet little bunny footprint. This is a good one for the kids to help with!
Easter Chick Cupcakes

You don’t have to be great at piping… if you can pipe icing onto a cupcake even a little bit, you can definitely make these Easter Chick Cupcakes from Tastes of Lizzy T’s.
Peeps Cupcakes

Bunnies peeking out of the “grass”… could these get any cuter? I think these Peeps Cupcakes from Lemon Lime Adventures are adorable. If you don’t have the tools to pipe green icing onto the cupcakes to form the grass, you can always use a baggie with the tip cut open. Other alternatives include dyeing some shredded coconut green or using lots of green sprinkles on top of your iced cupcakes.
Easter Basket Cupcakes

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t know edible grass candy was a thing. This makes cupcake decorating so much easier, and that’s why these are one of our favorite easy Easter cupcake ideas. Using the edible candy grass and some chocolate eggs, Cristy from the Happy Family Blog created these beautiful Easter Basket Cupcakes.
Easter Bunny Cupcakes

Don’t these Easter Bunny Cupcakes from Family, Food and Travel look so fluffy and yummy? All you need are some marshmallows, coconut, and candies to recreate these charming little treats. I may try these for our family Easter egg hunt this year.
Sheep Easter Cupcakes

Sheep are my favorite Easter icon, yet we usually see bunnies and chicks instead. I was floored at how sweet these Sheep Easter Cupcakes from Cincy Shopper look. The kiddo’s class will love these at their Easter party! Don’t forget to pick up the candy eyes needed to make the sheep’s face… or you could use icing instead. Here’s a version of sheep cupcakes that doesn’t involve shaping the sheep’s face if you want something a little quicker.
Bunny Butt Cupcakes

Did you know that Wilton (the company that makes amazing candy melts) now makes a bunny butt kit? Hallelujah! Now it’s super easy to make these Bunny Butt Cupcakes from The Gracious Wife. (And check out her bunny cinnamon rolls while you’re there. YUM!) You may be able to find the Bunny Butt kits at Target, Amazon, or anywhere else Wilton products are sold.
Which of these easy Easter cupcake ideas is your favorite? We’d love to see your versions of these creations!