List Obsessed is a site for people who LOVE lists. We compile the best lists of our favorite recipes, crafts, DIYs, household tips, and more to save you time. Our mission is to simplify your day-to-day life with all the information you need at your fingertips in one place. Founded by a woman who loves nothing more than sitting down with a cup of coffee and making her grocery list or planning out her week on paper (or computer), List Obsessed helps busy people get things done while having fun along the way! Whether you’re looking for an easy dinner recipe or quick craft idea List Obsessed has something for everyone!
Donella is a nerd at heart who loves making lists for anything and everything. She lives with her handsome hubby and hilarious son in rural Virginia, where she enjoys reading, homeschooling, snapping way too many photos of the gorgeous scenery around her, and cooking for her family. When she’s not at her computer (which is rare), Donella can be found reading books or trying to figure out how to turn an old window into a chalkboard!